Category:Black Seed
Tags:Black Seed
Black Seed – The Remedy of the Prophet Muhammad.
Numerous studies prove high effectiveness.
One of the most nutritional seeds comes from the annual herbaceous plant, Nigella Sativa, better known as black seed or black cumin seed. Black seed is a very beneficial and potent spice containing fifteen amino acids including 9 of the essential amino acids plus the minerals calcium, iron, sodium and potassium, fiber, plant sterols and many more constituents. Black seed is native to Asia and its use has been traced back to over 3000 years in the Western countries.
Some of the many benefits of Black Seed oil include aiding in respiratory, digestive, heart, hormonal health and diabetes. It can successfully relieve a variety of symptoms including diarrhea, bad breath, flatulence, hemorrhoids, fever, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, high blood sugar levels and amenorrhea by restoring the menstrual cycle. Another very common ailment, arthritis, has been helped by the black seed’s volatile oils.
- Improves Digestive Health
- Regulate Blood Pressure
- Good For Respiratory Health
- Makes Your Bones Healthy And Strong
- Improves Heart Health
Packing : 100g Pet Jar